Monday, July 21, 2008

Sweet Momes...


The Aussie Firetails started their campaign in the windy, rolling slopes of San Francisco. Known for its orange bridge, its lung-saving trolleybuses up steep hills as well as a few quality women's ultimate teams, San Fran made the Ausssies welcome with mild weather and light breezes. With most of the team tucked safely into beds in one of the city's most notorious areas, Tederloin, the Tails caught up on sleep ready to start the battles on Saturday.

Firetails 17 - 9 Slackjaw
(mvp Tania "snowflake" King)

Firetails 9 - Fury 17 (mvp Keah "K-bomb" Malomby & Vivalvi)
Firetails 14 - Zeitgeist 13 (mvp Grandma)

Off to the island prison tomorrow afternoon before heading up the coast, and our game against Schwa in Portland on Wednesday.

Stay tuned for more sweet momes.

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