Friday, June 29, 2012

Roasted and stewed

Hello faithful followers!

Some news from afar finally comes your way. This will be an update from one perspective - you may get further detail coming from others. In particular, I am expecting someone else to give a run-down of the amazing toy-shop that we visited, and all the delights it contains. I feel wouldn't do it justice, a high level of expressed enthusiasm is required for this.

Today we had the first two pretour games, first Naughty Kids, then Bauhsear. (I may be spelling that incorrectly, but given the range of pronunciations supplied by my teammates...).
I will try and be efficiently informative.


Naughty Kids:
Our first run around since getting off the planes, and we were beautifully efficient! Midge gave us the challenge of lifting our O completion rate, and we did this fantastically - in fact, I think almost every turn of O (we didn't often 'start' on O) was completed cleanly.

Final result: Firetails 27/6 Naughty Kids (we sort of played two separate half games...)

These guys were a bit more challenging physically, despite appearing even smaller and cuter than the Naughty Kids. They were a bit fouly, but somehow this was always done in an cheerily apologetic way. There was a bit more wind, which required some discipline from us to keep it on the upwind side. It took us a while to adjust to the different pressure, as half was at 9-8, but in the latter part of the game we sorted ourselves out and ran away with it.

Final result: Firetails 17/11 Bauhsear


Everyone on the team has now learnt their vegetable/fruit name. Expect to see them scattered through these blog posts as frequently as our real-names. Or real-other-nicknames. Here are a couple of teasers to start you off. See if you can work out who is what...

Starting with our noble Captain, Sarah Crossie. Think of a vegetable, reddish in colour, prone to over-talking. Put it in the comments if you think you know what she is.

May-lin Chuah, inarguably (as in you can't argue it) the nicest player on the team. She is a sweet, solid vegetable, found underground. The name is the clue.

Steph Malcher. One of my personal favourites. You're looking for a slang (ie. cute) version of this versatile vegetable. Useful in so many ways, a stable of every team or pantry.


It's been hot here, but not unpleasantly so. We are missing Vivalvi, but I've just heard that she arrives in tonight. That will be lovely.


Diana said...

Crossie = carrot? Who is the unfortunate potato? That would suck.

Anonymous said...

Amazingly, we even avoided carrot for Keah. No one carries that name.